Andra Matin – both the man and the firm, andramatin, are known for their clean and modern approach to architecture. The works of andramatin has been a constant reflection of contemporary take on traditional values, that are based on its context and its sensitivity to the environment. Aside from his architectural projects, Andra Matin is also one of the founders of Arsitek Muda Indonesia (AMI – eng: Young Architects of Indonesia), and has been a part of the progress in Indonesian architecture. He also have released books under a.publication that opens up discussions about architecture, along with being a frequent lecturer at universities, seminars, and architectural events. His works and his activism has won awards and has achieved international recognition. His latest installation titled Elevation has been granted a Special Mention Award at the 2018th Venice Bienalle, for its traditional sense and its contemporary take. Inspired by his great love of travel, Andra Matin continues to search out more knowledge and experiences, in order to further celebrate the architecture of Indonesia.
- t e a m m e m b e r s
- Adi Fajar Utama
- Adi Widiantara
- Adi Putra Utama
- Adina Noviani
- Aditya Akmal
- Ady Putra Sanjaya
- Agatha Carolina
- Ahmad Arizal
- Aistyara Charmita
- Akhyar Maulidan
- Amanda Azzahra
- Andani Puti A
- Andhika A Pradana
- Andi Pratama
- Andre Simapranata
- Andrew Tirta
- Angelithin Ang
- Angie Miranti
- Anton Aviantoro
- Arsheila Kinan
- Arumi Zanira
- Asep Tatang
- Astrid Susanti
- Avianti Armand
- Ayudya Paramitha
- Beatrice Wahjudi
- Bernard Rosario
- Chrisye Octaviani
- Conchita Blanco
- Daliana Suryawinata
- Danny Wicaksono
- Dave Orlando
- Dhanie Syawaliah
- Dini Budiman
- Ellyana Tse
- Ephraem Joseph M
- Erick van Hauten
- Ethelind Laurencia
- Faizal Syamsalam
- Fandy Gunawan
- Fauzan Zikry
- Fauzia Evanindya
- Febri Karyanto
- Felandro Madjid
- Gana Ganesha
- G Rooseno Aji
- Heddy Purnomo
- Hendra Irwanto
- Hikmat Subarkah
- Ira Yulistia
- Irianto Budi W
- Irsa Consinita
- Isandra Matin Ahmad
- Jonathan Raditya
- Lina Madiyana
- Marian A Mahendra
- M Anton Setiadji
- Matthew Groversam
- Meidy Suryansyah
- Misandi Jaya
- Natasha Astari
- Noerhadi
- Novi Seprima
- Paramayuda Maulana
- Patisandhika Sidarta
- Pingkan Machmud
- Pratiwi Tanuwihardja
- Ranidia Leeman
- Rangga Indrajaya
- Ray Shabir
- Raynaldo Theodore
- Rendy Yuninta
- Reszki H Pratama
- Retno Audite Matin
- Ria Tiarmutia
- Salman R Zahrawan
- Sandro Devriadi
- Sansan Tantono
- Sigit Kusumawijaya
- Sikastiara
- Sovie Khuswa
- Stella Thamrin
- Suhaedi
- Sulaeman
- Supriyono
- Talisa Dwiyani
- Tania P Utomo
- Titis Nurabadi
- Tommy Sandjaya
- Tono
- Wiyoga Nurdiansyah
- Yogi Ferdinand W